News & Insights: How to secure talent

The world has changed and so has how to secure talent - are you still using the 1995 methods?

Securing talent has changed over the past 27 years but many companies are still using methods from 1995

In 1995 most interviews was formal interviews, sat around a formal table and in a full suit including ties. The interview process was often very one way, just asking about the candidate and the skills etc. The “about us bit” was often in the form of do you have any other questions. 

You often noticed signs in windows says “staff needed apply within”.  Adverts in the press would have been about what skills we are looking for. 

FAST FORWARD 27 YEARS,  passing at high speed the Credit Crunch, Brexit changes, cost of living and Covid – we get to 2022. The world is now a very different place.

How to attract talent

Long gone are the days you can use a sign saying “staff wanted apply within”. It does surprise me, I still see some companies doing this.   You need to now explain what you can offer the job seeker, why should they consider you and what can you offer them. It is not about  you need staff but about why they should consider you and not the other 25 companies.

Interview set up

You should still be smart in a interview, not what you was wearing in the gym. Apart from that, the style of a interview has now changed. Doing a formal interview around a boardroom table now is not something that happens much. Interview settings are often more relaxed, this way you find out more about the real person. I have known interviews happen over coffee, in a bar, playing golf and even on a walk in the countryside!

The way we interview has changed

In 1995 it was all about why is the candidate right for you, the interviews was all based on this. Fast forward 27 years and its now a two way thing. Yes the candidate needs to be right with the right skills however the company needs to be right for the candidate. Having 50% of the interview about what you can offer the candidate is essential these days.

What are your benefits / key selling points

Ensure that the candidates know what makes you stand out as a Employer.

Be Social / Be Digital

Did you know that most candidates will check YOU  and the Company out prior to the interview. Make sure your linkedin profile is great and engaging. Also make sure you have Candidate attraction strategy on your digital marketing. This is essential,  for example if someone was promoted – shout about it. If you do awards – shout about it. Candidates will check this out prior to the interview and also after the interview.

Be quick

Candidates move fast these days, in 1995 you would have written via post to invite for a 1st stage, then a 2nd stage, then a 3rd stage. You would also have a closing date for applications.  The end to end recruitment process could be 6-8 weeks.   These days you will loose a candidate after 3 days.  It is essential you act fast and do not delay.


Key checklist:

  • Ensure 50% of the interview is about what you can offer the candidate and selling your business. 
  • Avoid the interview being just quick fire skill set questions. These are important but try and keep this to 50% of the interview
  • Ensure the candidate leaves the interview interested in your business
  • Don’t under offer. The candidate will have loads of options, ensure you offer what was advertised. 
  • Think about how you can get your job to stand out. a “staff needed” will not attract people – candidates will have 5-10 options on the table. With 2 of the 5-10 jobs being the most interested ones and the others being back up plans.   Think, how can you get your gap into the top 2.  



HtE Recruitment wants to help our clients come from a 1995 Talent attraction strategy to a 2022 strategy. If you are looking for talent and finding it hard, our team are here for you. We want to help companies move into the 2022 way to attract talent – with the shortage of talent this is essential.






HtE Recruitment News & Insights

This news and insights page has been written by Rick our Director who has a Management Degree and run HtE Recruitment for 15 years. HtE Recruitment take no responsibility for this post.

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