News & Insights: Time to change jobs

The 7 reasons why it is time to move jobs

The 7 reasons why it is time to move jobs

Everyone from time to time has a bad day or week, while this should not be a reason for leaving a job if it becomes more consistent and starts to span months it may be a sign you should move. Although just having a week, being told to drop it and search for a new job is not something you’d hear from a Recruiter often, but we are about being honest.

Prior to starting looking for a new job, it is always best to explore if anything can change in your current job and whether that is achievable alongside your own personal reasons for leaving.

Talk to your manager and look at the reasons you are not happy and see if anything can be done. It is important to do this as early as these feelings come up, instead of after you’ve started searching for new work and have made it to an offer stage because if at the offer stage you’ve fixed things with your prior workplace and aren’t looking for new work, then that was wasting the hiring managers time and your own.

To avoid these career miss-steps, we’ve built this article so you can identify the 7 biggest reasons why it may be time to move jobs, from people we’ve worked with in the past.

1: Money

A very common issue that is becoming more spoken about by the day. Money, for many employees and potential talent, money is where the main persuading factors are, some of the employees we’ve worked with have reported lacking wages compared to to other companies in the same industry. Not having a pay rise to match inflation, or having seen insufficient pay increases.

These reasons being considered. It’s easy to understand why these people would want to move, especially among the work availability right now. This is only one reason people may leave a job however it can be incredibly significant to some, it’s important that businesses remember wages are a massive factor in remaining competitive among the market.


2: Travel

Travel related issues have caused many to reconsider their job, reporting things like monotony with travel, issues regarding consistency of route, such as traffic congestion. These two issues alone can be disheartening enough, but considering how time consuming these issues can be and the damaging effects this has on a career, it’s understandable why people avoid travel issues at the first red flag.

These issues most commonly emerge on the first interview or first day. If your company hasn’t got an ideal system in place to help new staff with planning their journey, they’re likely to struggle and may even resent the travel as it relates to the job. No one wants traffic issues due to poorly communicated planning, so at interview stage it may be ideal to ask about traffic issues in the surrounding area.


3: Training

Poor training is a significant issue for a lot of starting talent. Causing dragging and needless mistakes for new employees to run into, this is an almost guaranteed way to lose new staff. Poor training can leave a bad reputation with the employee and even damage a businesses reputation in the long run. Ideally businesses have first class training in place that is easily understood and allows staff full confidence in their duties. Now, this isn’t to shame businesses that can’t afford the high-end training systems, it’s to say that businesses that have unclear or unadressed gaps in their training may likely run into problems that can cost them dearly in the long run, to remedy this issue it can solely be done through proper communication among management and employees, to let people all in the same workplace communicate freely will help let these issues be fixed when someone notices and brings them up.


4: Culture

In our modern workplaces we have many issues that can emerge that aren’t always work related. Largely these issues can be attributed to work culture. We’ve discussed before about how office and work culture can be turned into a world class benefit for employees and the business.

But here we’re referring to the negative ways office cultures can manifest as reported from employees looking to switch jobs. Mainly motivated to leave by issues regarding work cultures of controlling management, colleagues being encouraged to engage with negative behaviours and even damaging ideologies being freely spoken about. As a workplace is a place to perform work in an undiscriminating environment. These issues are simply unable to be ignored and are understandably, motivating factors to leave any job.

However we’ve seen issues regarding things like an absence of engaging activities and events, A workplace that doesn’t give back to its staff is likely to not retain long term employees, as evident in it’s reasoning for why people leave a job.


5: Career progression

In many cases that have been explored, many have reported a lack of career progression or an infeasible structure around career progression. This has caused issues for employees who are career driven, it’s even been acknowledged that some businesses have inconsistent career progression which causes damage to the brand of the business in the long run.

For many that had given their reasoning, they’d expressed that they’d been their too long and hadn’t seen any career progression, This is always a diminishing track and can lead to stagnation, no one enjoys tedium so a career reaching a stalemate is understandably a factor in moving jobs.


6: Lack of vision

A big killer for any business trying to keep hold of good staff  is having an unclear vision of where the business is going, we’ve heard many times before that people, when leaving their job, report that they feel like they’re not really doing anything at their job, that the work their doing isn’t going anywhere or contributing to anything.

This is due to a lack of clear business goals and vision, it’s easy for a business to fall into this trap, usually due to issues of unclear communication or a lack of engagement among staff. This has encouraged many to switch careers to more favourable business that have clear and well communicated goals and activities. If a business wants to have a clear vision of where it is going or the problem it is solving, then it needs good communication among staff and management, as in, management need to be able to clearly communicate the goals and expected results required of employees.


7: Not motivating enough

When people switch jobs, they often report a lack of motivation at work. It can come from various areas, but has most commonly been recorded as the work environment isn’t motivating or the employees are even demotivating to work with. In some cases where professionals outgrew the role, the goals and targets had become to easy to achieve and had resulted in tedious circular working.

When looking for a new job, they often reported that because of how demotivated they felt, the job itself had become tedious and made it hard to pursue, which is why they look for new work, if a workplace fails to motivate, it may be a red flag that things could get worse down the line.


If you have explored all the above and think, YES now is the time to move on. Our team of recruitment partners are here to support you


HtE Recruitment News & Insights

This news and insights page has been written by Josh our Recruitment & Marketing Coordinator.  HtE Recruitment take no responsibility for this post.


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