News & Insights: Retention

A retention plan is more important then a Recruitment plan

Retention plans are essential

You will not hear this from a Recruiter that often however we strongly think that a retention plan is more important then a recruitment plan.  Keeping your current staff and new starters is so important. The cost of recruitment and training can out weight the cost to retain. Retention is not about a counter offer, it is about ongoing things throughout the year to keep your team happy and interested. It is too late when they want to leave and counter offers do not normally work, as we find 80% of counter offers still leave within  6 months. 

here are a few things for your retention plan:

  1. Induction – Please carry out a induction with a candidate, ideally on day one however within week one. This is essential, not many starters leave however out of the small number who do, 40% of starters who leave a job in the 1st month say it is due to no induction or welcome.
  2. Feel welcome – regardless of the level, it is always hard to get a new starter to settle unless the team are welcoming of a new person. Please have opportunities in place for the team to get to know the new starter
  3. Hours – please ensure that the hours are within the hours discussed in the offer letter or at interview stage. of the small number of new starters who leave a job, 35% of these new starter leave in the 1st couple of weeks as the hours are different to the offer or  what was discussed. Sometimes extra hours are required, if this is the case in the 1st few weeks, do explain why to the candidate
  4. Meet the management – Do ensure the candidate knows the key contacts
  5. Tools – Do ensure the candidate has the tools ready on day one to do the job. There is nothing worse then turning up and no phone or laptop set up, or even worse, they have to build there own ikea desk! before they can start work 
  6. Buddy scheme – do offer a buddy scheme, so they have someone to ask all those daft questions to
  7. Do a month one chat, to make sure they know how to access the benefit packages, pension information etc etc
  8. Do have a career map for them or a training map. Everyone wants to know the training plan.
  9. Do ensure that you have all the information from the candidate to pay them on time with the right tax code. out of the small number who do leave in the 1st few months, 15% of these candidates said they left due to month 1 &2 pay is paid late or wrong. This is essential to secure candidates.
  10. Have regular treats in the work place, these can be low cost, it more about the thought.  You could do pancakes on pancake day, coffees on national coffee day, hot dogs on national sausage day, cheesecake on cheesecake day
  11. have themed days like christmas jumper day
  12. if your business model allows, offer a flexible start time. Of course if they are a manager and you open at 10am, they need to be in for opening, within reason and depending on the type of business
  13. Socials for your top billers or employee of the month

These are all areas we ask the client to have in place ourselfs for placements we make. When we place a candidate we offer a skill set rebate scheme to review the skills, we ask our clients in return to have a retention plan inplace. 

This is essential for all staff, it is even more essential with new starters. They leave one company and join your company. These should not be after 6 months, it should be on day 1. It is very rare that a new starter leaves in the first few months, out of the ones who do – 40% said it was due to no induction or welcome, 35% said it was due to working high hours / different hours to the contract and 15% said it was due to being paid late.   Having retention plans is so important. Out of the other 10%, only 2% said it was other reasons, the 8% was the other items listed above.

In 98% of the cases why a candidate leaves, apart from skill set reasons, there are things that can be put in place

Retention is very important,    it hard to find good talent, so when you do, invest in retention. It is not about spending money on all singing and dancing Dubai team trips,   them small everything things mean just as much to people, sometimes even more. 


HtE Recruitment News & Insights

This news and insights page has been written by Rick our Director. This is just a guide with some ideas. HtE Recruitment take no responsibility for this post.

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