News & Insights: Changes to Imports

Customs document changes from 2022 for EU Imports

Changes to Imports from the EU from January 2022

The government’s changes to Import Controls will come into force from 1st January 2022. The changes will affect the documentation and processes required when importing goods from the EU.

The Key changes:

  • For arrivals at UK ports using GVMS and non inventory linked ports you will NEED the pre-lodged entry number (ERN) prior to the goods leaving the EU or you will not be allowed to board at departure.
  • You must ensure clearance instructions; including Documents and full Transport Details are provided in good time to have the pre-lodged entry completed; with particular consideration to out of hours/weekend departures
  • Certain goods will require you to pre-notify via IPAFFS or PEACH no less than 24 hours before arrival. The IPAFFS/PEACH “IMP” reference will be needed on the Customs Entry
  • Delayed declarations can only be used with authorisation under CFSP

You will not be able to import certain animal and plant products if you do not prepare the correct paperwork in advance.. These will fall under the following categories:

  • Products of Animal Origin (POAO)
  • Fishery Products and Live Bivalve Molluscs
  • Plants and Seeds for Planting
  • Fruit & Vegetables
  • Cut flowers
  • Animal By-Products (ABP)
  • Tubers
  • Grain, Soil, Machinery and Growing Medium 
  • High-Risk Food & Feed Not of Animal Origin (HRFNAO)


HtE Recruitment News & Insights

This news and insights page has been written by Rick our company director. HtE Recruitment take no responsibility for this post, this is just some information from our research online about the new Customs changes. As a National recruiter working with Logistics clients across the UK. If you are looking for a Logistics candidate, our team can support

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